
-.HoD.- New Release

In before Takuya! I know he calls dibs on blogging all new -.HoD.- releases but I don't see him rocking the hair and skin that work so perfectly with it. Sorry, Mr. Vanity. <3

There's a new event starting today - The Body Mod Expo which showcases anything beyond the mainstream skirt&blouse fashion and those of you who love piercings, horns, tats and all things a bit on the darker side of life will have surely marked it in red in your Google calendar.

A while ago someone posted a picture on flickr made by a RL stylist on deviantArt. The flickrite asked designers if they were up for the challenge to reproduce similar items in SL and it was pretty clear in the comments that the triumvirate of awesomeness - Aida Ewing, Aydan Darcy and M4ri1yn Magic - were the ones on everyone's wishlist for skin, piercings and hair. 

While Aida and Mari were busy with other projects back then, Aydan released the makeup and piercing known as The Decay set. And now this beautiful set was remade using the 100% original mesh piercing parts Aydan recently created. There are various makeup options and the piercings come in some amazing textures. This piercing is only sold in the -.HoD.- mainstore and not at the event cause would you guess dumbass organizers did not invite the mother of all body modification stores in SL? Yes, it's time for a royal double facepalm here. So head over to -.HoD.- and grab the goodies there. And btw, the designer in that event selling an untextured piercing with just the default blank texture tinted gray should be forbidden to ever rez a prim cube again.

Glam Affair's gorgeous skin and Tableau Vivant's hair, however, are available at the event. The hair comes with quite a bunch of options - the blindfold hair worn in the picture together with the pretty little Princess Leia buns, extra parts for your left or right side, a hairbase, etc.

And last but not least the dress is made by Tee*fy and available at the 'Black Magic' cycle of Collabor88 that just started. I love how Azure Electricteeth effortlessly walks the line between everyday cuteness and high fashion such as this dress or the ones she made for Designers United

Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ (by m4ri1yn.magic) *new for The Body Mod Expo
Skin: -Glam Affair- (by aida.ewing) *new for The Body Mod Expo
Piercing: -.HoD.- (by aydan.darcy) *new
Dress: Tee*fy (by azure.electricteeth) *new for Collabor88

Taxi to -.HoD.-!
Taxi to Collabor88!
Taxi to The Body Mod Expo!

1 comment:

  1. I would have rocked that hair and skin to the max but I love to see your take on it. And a bit of a rant... brb, need some private time. <3


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